S0, what does this mean for West Virginia? Patience. It's hard to imagine that WVU will be able to come to any sort of decision before Missouri makes a decision. Most people tend to think Mizzou is the chosen pick for the SEC's 14th spot. And, if they do stay put, there may not be a spot for WVU in the Big 12.
Or, it could also mean totally nothing. For all we know Oliver Luck and company are committed to staying in the piece of garbage conference simply known as the Big East. Hell, they may not have a choice. It wouldn't be hard to believe that WVU just isn't that sought after.
Bottomline is no one outside of the inside knows much at all. At this point, the only thing that truly matters is winning some damn football games. However, conference realignment is like a really good car crash...just so hard to look away.